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ANTH 3230

Material Culture: Analysis of Artifacts
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Introduction to the processing, classification, and analysis of archaeological artifacts common to Georgia and the southeastern United States. Non traditional format: Lecture will be presented within laboratory format to allow strong hands-on component to the course.

Semester Offered:

ANTH 3070

Religion, Magic, and Witchcraft
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Supernatural belief systems the world over range from shamanism, witchcraft, and sorcery to world religions. Course focuses on the cultural relevance and contradictions of contemporary religious beliefs and practices to modern life, especially healthcare. The goal is to understand religious phenomena through the anthropological lens of cultural relativism.

Semester Offered:

ANTH 2265

Small Things Overlooked
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Credit Hours:

Course introduces cultural anthropology as a profoundly useful way of thinking about the contemporary world. Students will develop skills to study beliefs, institutions, and diversity revealing things taken for granted that matter a great deal. They will identify, interpret, and evaluate sources of information and apply principles to real-world situations.

Semester Offered:

ANTH 2045L/2045L

Introduction to Biological Anthropology & Lab
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2045: Biological anthropology is the study of human biological evolution and biocultural variation. In this course, students will learn about the interdependent relationships between the environment, human adaptation, health, and culture, including human-induced effects on the environment, as well as the evolution, biology, and behavior of human ancestors and non-human primates.

2045L:Introduction to anthropological study of the biology and behavior of humans and the primates. Concepts of macro and microevolution, adaptation, cell and genetics, paleontology, human and primate origins, bioarchaeology and biomedical anthropology. Observational and hands-on activities are combined with writing assignments or presentations to reinforce concepts.

Semester Offered:
Course Type:

ANTH 2030

Art and Science of Asking Questions
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Credit Hours:

Students will learn the art and science of asking and answering quantitative questions about the human condition, within and between cultures. In this class, we will turn numbers into meaningful data through the application of rational and critical thinking and basic mathematical skills. We will collect, analyze, and interpret data, draw conclusions, and solve problems. By learning to rigorously ask and answer questions and to critically analyze current issues, we will gain appreciation of the value of quantitative reasoning for making decisions in our daily lives.

Semester Offered:

ANTH 2002

Tombs and Temples
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Credit Hours:

Students are introduced to the most famous archaeological sites in the world, with themes centered around the following: evidence of early humans, first cities, death and burial, art and architecture, ritual and religion, warfare, sacrifice, conflict, and great inventions.

Semester Offered:

ANTH 1102/2120H

Introduction to Anthropology
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Credit Hours:

Exploration of the scientific principles governing natural systems and their contribution to understanding the emergence and biological evolution of humans, the role of environment in shaping human behavioral and cultural variation, and the consequences of human activity on local, regional, and global ecosystems.

Semester Offered:
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Collaborative research reveals how radiocarbon dating can rewrite history in the American Southeast

map of Georgia

Stemming from the collaboration between faculty, researchers, and current and former graduate students at the Department of Anthropology, a newly published article sheds light on the importance of radiocarbon dating in the American Southeast, emphasizing its role in refining regional chronologies. Placing radiocarbon dating at the center of collective archaeological practice, born from a graduate seminar taught by Dr.

Cydney Seigerman and colleagues publish research on extreme climate events in Brazil

Quixeramobim Reservoir's spillway

PhD Candidate Cydney Seigerman and colleagues published an article on extreme rainfall events after a decade of prolonged drought impacts in the region of Sertão Central, Ceará, Northeast Brazil. The study highlights the necessity of comprehensive management plans that address both drought and excess-water-related challenges and the potential of nature-based solutions to contribute to more sustainable living with semi-arid regions.

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