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Graduation Celebration Spring 2024

We are excited to invite all recent or pending graduates - Fall 2023, Spring 2024, or Summer 2024 - and their guests to join faculty and staff at the Anthropology Undergraduate Graduation Celebration! There is no limit to the number of guests you may invite or bring. Refreshments will be provided! Please wear your graduation regalia as it symbolizes your hard work and achievement.

Date: Friday, May 10th (same day as spring graduation)

Time: 10:00-11:00 AM

ANTH 3410E

Contemporary Native America
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Credit Hours:

This course explores the historical and contemporary circumstances that have shaped Native American and First Nations peoples from the sixteenth century to the present. This includes legacies of settler colonialism, displacement, and structural violence, processes of revitalization, activism, and the reestablishment of Native sovereignty. Non traditional format: This course will be taught 95% or more online.

Semester Offered:
Course Type:

ANTH 3150E

Water Worlds
Image or Flier:
Credit Hours:

Contemporary assessment of the multiple ways in which societies understand, value, regulate, and engage with water. Provides an international perspective on the relationship between water and culture, with a focus towards global sustainability. Non traditional format: This course will be taught 95% or more online.

Semester Offered:
Course Type:

ANTH 2700

Anthropology of Sport
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Credit Hours:

The exploration of the many ways that sport and other forms of physical activity help us understand the human condition. We will use games, sports, and other activities to examine the biological and historical foundations of physical activity and consider the cultural, socioeconomic, and environmental dimensions of activity and sports in today’s society. Students will develop skills that will help them interpret information and apply course themes to contemporary issues.

Semester Offered:

ANTH 2045

Introduction to Biological Anthropology
Image or Flier:
Credit Hours:

Biological anthropology is the study of human biological evolution and biocultural variation. In this course, students will learn about the interdependent relationships between the environment, human adaptation, health, and culture, including human-induced effects on the environment, as well as the evolution, biology, and behavior of human ancestors and non-human primates.

Semester Offered:

ANTH 1102E

Introduction to Anthropology
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Credit Hours:

Exploration of the scientific principles governing natural systems and their contribution to understanding the emergence and biological evolution of humans, the role of environment in shaping human behavioral and cultural variation, and the consequences of human activity on local, regional, and global ecosystems. Non traditional format: This course will be taught 95% or more online.

Semester Offered:
Course Type:

ANTH 4790/6790

Human Adaptation
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Credit Hours:

Examination of the scientific principles of human adaptation through intersection impacts of physical, social, and cultural stressors on human variation. 

When this course is taught as a split level, additional requirements for graduate students: Written paper developed after submission of proposal and oral presentation of results to entire class.

Semester Offered:

ANTH 4746/6746

Primate Conservation
Image or Flier:
Credit Hours:

Introduction of the theoretical framework of Conservation Biology using primates as examples, including population demographics, life-history strategies, primate ecological services, human activities affecting primate populations (e.g., habitat loss, hunting, climate change), and conservation strategies and tactics. Time will be dedicated to understanding the interconnectedness of primates, ecosystems, and human wellbeing. 

When this course is taught as a split level, additional requirements for graduate students: Additional readings and writings will be part of the requirements for graduate students. Graduate students will read additional scientific literature and are expected to write an original review/research paper suitable for publication in a peer-reviewed journal.

Semester Offered:

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Every dollar given has a direct impact upon our students and faculty.