PhD Student During my education, I became particularly interested in the changing dynamics of human-animal interactions, especially in the Zagros Mountains of Iran. This region is significant in discussions surrounding the emergence of animal domestication and husbandry, as well as the roles animals play in various societies, including nomadic, semi-nomadic, and sedentary communities. To further explore these interests, I participated in the seminar "Initiation to Zooarchaeology", a collaboration between CNRS (led by Dr. Marjan Mashkour) and the University of Tehran (led by Dr. Haeedeh Laleh). Since graduating, I have analyzed several faunal assemblages dating from the Late Pleistocene to the Mid-Holocene at the Bioarchaeology Laboratory of the University of Tehran. Additionally, I have served as a zooarchaeology assistant on several international projects in Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. To enhance my expertise in identifying various animal species, from herbivores to carnivores, I completed a course titled "Carnivores: Evolution, Ecology, Taphonomy, Archaeology" in Toulouse, France, organized by CNRS in 2015. Both recent advancements in archaeological science and traditional zooarchaeological methods can provide a deeper understanding of historical human-animal interactions. I am eager to learn more about the practical aspects and interpretation of stable isotope data to reconstruct paleodietary and palaeoclimatological history, pastoral practices, mobility (transhumance patterns), herds’ seasonal migratory movements, and settlement patterns. Also, I am interested in establishing a detailed inventory of vertebrate faunas over the last 12 millennia since the Holocene. Additionally, I am interested in understanding the mechanisms behind biodiversity loss and exploring conservation plans to prevent similar extinctions in the future. Research Research Areas: Archaeology Research Interests: Archaeology Zooarchaeology Stable Isotope Analysis Bioarchaeology Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction paleodietary Biogeochemistry Cultural Anthropology Pastoralism Mobility and Subsistence Economy Statistical Data Analysis Climate Change Labs: Quaternary Isotope Paleoecology Lab Selected Publications Selected Publications: Davoudi, H., Mashkour, M., Azadi, A. and Amiri, S. (In Press). Mobility and the Early Stages of Animal Domestication in the Southern Zagros Mountains of Iran during the Pre-Pottery Neolithic.” In M. Mashkour, H. Davoudi and L. Manca (eds.), Les Nouvelles de l’Archéologie : Transformation et utilisation des ressources naturelles depuis la préhistoire aux époques historiques sur le Plateau iranien et Asie centrale, Paris : Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l'homme, Institute of Human and Social Sciences (InSHS) of the CNRS. Kevin G. Daly (and 66 others, including Sarieh Amiri) 2025. Ancient genomics and the origin, dispersal, and development of domestic sheep. In Science 387: 492-497 Mucheshi, A. S., Mohammadi, S., Abe, M., Zamani, M., Khosravi, S., Amiri., S., Mashkour, M., Sedigh Ghorbani, M., Bahrololoumi, F., Davoudi, H. 2024. Excavation at Sarcham Rowar Site; A Multi-Period Site in Howraman Region, Kurdistan Province, Iran. In Journal of Archaeological Studies 16(2): 151-181 Mashkour, M., Khazaeli, R., Amiri, S., Fathi, H., Beizaee Doost, S., Mohaseb, A., Debue, K., Radu, V., Davoudi, H., Ruchonnet, A., Laleh, H., Nokandeh, J., Omrani Rekavandi, H., Nemati M. R., Sauer, E. W. 2023. Archaeozoology of Sasanian and Islamic sites from the Gorgan Wall to the Tehran Plain. In Ancient Arms Race: Antiquity's Largest Fortresses and Sasanian Military Networks of Northern Iran: A joint fieldwork project by the Iranian Center for Archaeological Research, The Research Institute of Cultural Heritage and Tourism and the University of Edinburgh (2014-2016). By Sauer, E. W., Nokandeh, J. and H. Omrani Rekavandi. Vol. 2: 647-698. Oxbow Books. Mashkour, M., Davoudi, H., Mohaseb, F. A., Beizaee Doost, S., Khazaeli, R., Amiri, S., Fathi, H. 2021. Human and Animal Interactions in the Iranian Plateau: Research conducted by the Osteology Department of Iran National Museum. Tehran: Iran National Museum Publications and Coopération et culture Ambassade de France à Téhéran, Iran, 320 p ISBN: 978-964-421-195-9 Thevenin, M., Mashkour, M., Amiri, S., Berthon, R. 2021. Over mountain and vale, documenting pastoral practices in the Gədəbəy and Səmkir districts (Southwestern Azerbaijan). In A. Averbouh, N. Goutas and S. Méry (eds.), Nomad lives from Prehistoric Times to the Present Day. pp. 361-383. Paris: Muséum national d ‘Histoire naturelle, Publications scientifiques. ISBN: 9782856539675 Tengberg, M., Daujat, J., Mashkour, M., Decaix, A., Amiri, S., Sheikhi, Sh., Debue, K., Berthon, R., Lhuillier, J., and Bendezu-Sarmiento, J. 2021. Environment and Subsistence Economies at Iron Age Ulug-depe, South-eastern Turkmenistan: First Results from the Archaeobotanical and Archaeozoological Studies. In J. Lhuillier (ed.), The Archaeology of Central Asia during the 1st Millennium BC. From the beginning of the Iron Age to the Hellenistic Period, Proceedings of the Workshop held at the 10th ICAANE in Vienna, April 2016. pp. 49-70. Amiri, S., Mashkour, M., Mohaseb, F. A., and Naseri, R. 2021. The subsistence economy of a highland settlement in the Zagros during the Bronze and Iron Ages. The case of Gūnespān (Hamadan, Iran). In J. Daujat, A. Hadjikoumis, R. Berthon, J. Chahoud, V. Kassianidou and J-D. Vigne (eds.), Archaeozoology of the Near East XIII, Proceeding of the 13th International Conference of Archaeozoology of Southwest Asia and Adjacent Areas (ASWA[AA]), Nicosia, Cyprus, 7-9th June 2017. pp. 199-219. ISBN: 978-1-948488-29-7 Daly, K.G., Mattiangeli, V., Hare, A.J., Davoudi, H., Fathi, H., Beizaee Doost, S., Amiri, S., Khazaeli, R., Decruyeare, D., Nokandeh, J., Richter, T., Darabi, H., Mortensen, P., Pantos, A., Yeomans, L., Bangsgaard, P., Mashkour, M., Zeder, M.A., Bradley, D.G. 2021. Herded and hunted goat genomes from the dawn of domestication in the Zagros Mountains. PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America) 118 (25): e2100901118 Mashkour, M., Amiri, S., Fathi, H., Khazaeli, R., Debue, K., Decruyenaere, D., Beizaee Doost, S., Clavel, B., Komijani, S., Jajanidze R. and Sauer, E. 2020. Herding and hunting in the highlands from the Sasanian to late medieval periods. In Dariali: The ‘Caspian gates’ in the Caucasus from Antiquity to the age of the huns and the Middle Ages. The joint Georgian-British Dariali Gorge excavations & surveys 2013-2016. By E. Sauer, L. Chologauri, A. Gabunia, K. Hopper, D. Lawrence, E. MacDonald, M. Mashkour, F. A. Mowat, D. Naskidashvili, K. Pitskhelauri, S. M.N. Priestman, L. Shumilovskikh, St John Simpson, A. Tiliakou et al. Vol. 2: 729-788. Oxbow Books. ISBN: 9781789251920 Bergström, A.(and 55 others, including Sarieh Amiri) 2020. Origins and genetic legacy of prehistoric dogs. In Science 370 (6516): 557-564. Amiri, S., Mashkour, M., Mohaseb, F.A., Tengberg, M., Abdollahi, M. and Sardari Zarchi A. 2020. Subsistence economy of Qela Gap; Luristan, Iran: from the Late Neolithic to the Iron Age. In Archaeology 3 (4): 125-132. Mashkour, M., Khazaeli, R., Fathi, H., Amiri, S., Decruyenaere, D., Mohaseb, A., Davoudi, H., Sheikhi Sh. And Sauer, E. 2017. Animal exploitation and subsistence on the borders of the Sasanian Empire: from the Gorgan Wall (Iran) to the Gates of the Alans (Georgia). In Eberhard Sauer (ed.), Sasanian Persia. Between Rome and the Steppes of Eurasia. pp. 74-95. Edinburg: Edinburg University Press. ISBN 13: 9781474452304 Education Education: B.A Archaeology, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamadan, Iran M.A Archaeology (Zooarchaeology), University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran