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Reitsema shares cemetery research findings and asks for community input regarding future work.

Laurie Reitsema (right) and a student do computer research.

Bioarchaeologist Laurie Reitsema (right) recently shared with Athens community participants the research findings made following the discovery of a local cemetery where slaves had been interred. The project began when the unmarked graves were discovered during the Baldwin Hall reservations in 2015. She shared the DNA results of those individuals whose remains could be tested among the 105 burials. Reitsema said further historical and bioarchaeological work could be done to learn about those buried, but distributed a survey measuring opinions among the listeners.

Food For Thought: Reconstructing the Diet of Napoleon's Grand Army


University of Georgia Anthropology graduate student, Sammantha Holder, sheds new light on the surprisingly complex dietary—and social—diversity among Napoleon’s armed forces. In addition to details on her reconstructive, and tragic, research, this piece offers an excellent overview of how isotope dating analysis is done. This knowledge can be applied in any course, reading, or television show you encounter.

Read More Here.

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