The Spanish copy of Dr. Julie Velásquez Runk's ethnography, Los wounaan y la construcción de su paisaje: Identidad, arte y gobernanza ambiental en la frontera Panamá-Colombia launches tomorrow, October 6th. This is the Spanish translation of the ethnography she wrote as her doctoral work, part of years of collaborative research with Indigenous Wounaan communities and authorities in Panama. The collaboration was from initial planning to publication. President of the Wounaan National Congress, authority Chenier Carpio Opua will join Dr. Velásquez Runk in a conversation with anthropologist, Aura Lisette Reyes. The book launch will be hosted by the publisher, the press of the Colombian Institute of Anthropology and History (ICANH) and livestreamed on YouTube at 4pm EST in Spanish. Congratulations to Dr. Velásquez Runk! Read More: Youtube Livestream: October 6, 2021 at 4pm EST